Some aspects of German forestry as seen by an Irishman.

  • J.J. Deasy
Keywords: Seed, species, nursery, conditions, growth.


On the invitation of Forstmeister Scherer of Wildeck I paid a visit to West Germany in July, 1952. In this paper I shall give some items of forestry interest culled from my diary of an unforgettably pleasant interlude. It is only fitting that first of all I should record my gratitude to the Forstmeister who acted as my guide and companion during my fortnight's stay and to all the other busy men who gave me so generously of their time, knowledge and hospitality. I shall always cherish the memory of the warm welcomes, the great kindness and the many courtesies which they extended to me...
How to Cite
Deasy, J. (1953) “Some aspects of German forestry as seen by an Irishman.”, Irish Forestry. Available at: (Accessed: 3July2024).