Possible silvicultural systems for use in the rehabilitation of poorly performing pole-stage broadleaf stands – Coppice-with-standards.

  • Ian Short Broadleaf Silviculture Research Officer, Teagasc Forestry Development Department, Ashtown Food Research Centre, Dublin 15.
  • Jerry Hawe Sylviron Ltd., Appleyard, Turlough, Castlebar, Co. Mayo.
Keywords: Broadleaf silviculture, management, coppice-with-standards, rehabilitation.


This paper is a review of the coppice-with-standards system, a system that may have potential for the rehabilitation of some poorly performing pole-stage broadleaf stands. The system was once a very common system throughout Europe, producing much needed fuelwood and sawlog. Its decline in Ireland, the UK and elsewhere was primarily due to market forces. This review was conducted because the system may have potential once again due to the recent increased demand for firewood. Coppice-with-standards can provide material of various sizes to supply local demand for fuelwood, pulpwood, fencing material and sawlog. The system also has nonmarket benefits such as amenity and biodiversity values. One disadvantage of the system is that it requires greater silvicultural skill to manage to a high standard. The coppice-with-standards system is being trialled as a means to rehabilitate a poorly performing 19-year-old stand of ash:oak mixture.
How to Cite
Short, I. and Hawe, J. (2012) “Possible silvicultural systems for use in the rehabilitation of poorly performing pole-stage broadleaf stands – Coppice-with-standards. ”, Irish Forestry, pp. 148–166. Available at: https://journal.societyofirishforesters.ie/index.php/forestry/article/view/10080 (Accessed: 3July2024).