Poor performance of broadleaf plantations and possible remedial silvicultural systems – a review.

  • Jerry Hawe Sylviron Ltd., Appleyard, Turlough, Castlebar, Co. Mayo.
  • Ian Short Broadleaf Silviculture Research Officer, Teagasc Forestry Development Department, Ashtown Food Research Centre, Dublin 15.
Keywords: Broadleaves, silviculture, remedial action, plantation, stem quality, stresses.


Over the last two decades planting of broadleaves has been part of forest policy. In addition to the provision of a range of ecosystem services, it is intended that this resource will have a direct economic stimulus through the supply of quality hardwood. A number of challenges must be met in order to achieve this objective, particularly as current observations would indicate that many first rotation broadleaf plantations comprise a relatively high proportion of poor quality stems. A literature review has been carried out on the probable causes of poor performance in broadleaf crops. Silvicultural systems to rehabilitate poor quality stands are discussed. Subsequent papers will deal with these silvicultural systems in more detail.
How to Cite
Hawe, J. and Short, I. (2012) “Poor performance of broadleaf plantations and possible remedial silvicultural systems – a review.”, Irish Forestry, pp. 126–147. Available at: https://journal.societyofirishforesters.ie/index.php/forestry/article/view/10079 (Accessed: 3July2024).