An overview of twentieth century Irish forestry and forest products literature.

  • Brian Galvin Formerly of Coillte Research and Development, Newtownmountkennedy, Co. Wicklow.
Keywords: Coillte, forestry and forest products, history, literature, biography.


The development of Coillte's bibliography of twentieth century Irish forestry and forest products literature is briefly outlined. An overview of Irish forestry literature, briefly describing its development during the time covered by the bibliography, is provided. A survey of the literature recorded notes the volume of work produced on each of the major subject areas, and compares the extent to which a number of topics are covered in this literature. The report concludes with a brief account of recent developments in the area of electronic publishing and forestry related literature.
How to Cite
Galvin, B. (1998) “An overview of twentieth century Irish forestry and forest products literature.”, Irish Forestry. Available at: (Accessed: 3July2024).