The forest industry beyond 2000.

  • Martin D. Lowery Coillte Teoranta.
Keywords: Forestry development, forestry policy, forest industry, timber processing, genetics, biotechnology, environment, sustainable development, markets, timber processing.


The author identifies the major topics which will dominate the development of forestry beyond the year 2000 as the national timber supply, sustainable development, and the application of discoveries in biotechnology. The potential sustainable timber supply could reach over 15 million cubic meters per annum which could support future developments in the timber processing industry such as mechanical paper-making and the establishment of a chemical pulpmill. MDF, OSB and other engineered wood products will continue to be significant. The biggest change in the forestry industry will be the emergence of a large private forestry sector. The current fragmented nature of the industry is not conducive to long-term strategic thinking. While the issue of sustainability must be addressed, the author defends the record of plantation forestry and foresters must be willing to accept their role in educating the public. Irish forests must not be subject to environmental regulations which are inappropriate to local conditions. Developments in propagation technology will have a major impact on timber quality. Another major development will be the availability of clonal varieties of a number of important species. The third major technological development will be in the field of genetic engineering, and the use of transgenetic genes is likely to be widespread.
How to Cite
Lowery, M. D. (1997) “The forest industry beyond 2000.”, Irish Forestry. Available at: (Accessed: 16April2024).
Conference Papers