Conflicts in forestry - a changing culture.

  • Dick Warner Gilltown, Donadea, Co. Kildare.
Keywords: Environment, afforestation, economics, tourism, species diversification.


have no qualifications in forestry. I am one of those people who sometimes describe themselves by using the amorphous title 'environmentalist'. But my work in the media does give me an insight into attitudes towards forestry, both by the general public and by the environmental movement. The profession of the forester is obviously one that has more 'environmental impact', to use a fashionable phrase, than most. Coillte is the largest single landowner in the country and everything it does has a profound effect on our countryside. Private forestry and farm forestry are growing so rapidly that their environmental effects have become something that concerns everyone in Ireland.
How to Cite
Warner, D. (1997) “Conflicts in forestry - a changing culture.”, Irish Forestry. Available at: (Accessed: 3July2024).
Conference Papers