Development of an indicative forest strategy with specific reference to Co. Clare.

  • E.F. Cullinan Teagasc, Kinsealy Research Centre, Malahide Road, Dublin 17.
  • M. Bulfin Teagasc, Kinsealy Research Centre, Malahide Road, Dublin 17.
Keywords: Indicative Forest Strategy, tree productivity, forest management, Geographical Information Systems, information management, information technology, planning.


An Indicative Forest Strategy (IFS) embodies the idea of putting the right trees in the right places. A study was carried out to develop an IFS with specific reference to Co. Clare. The aim of the study was to provide a scientific basis to assist future policy decisions regarding potential locations of forestry, taking into account factors such as tree productivity and environmental resources. Development of the strategy was based on Geographical Information System (GIS) technology, thereby allowing the input of a large number of varied spatial information types linked to related database information. These can subsequently be displayed, analyzed and queried in an interactive fashion, thereby providing answers to queries posed. Spatial and non-spatial information inputted included soil type, bedrock geology, elevation, infrastructure, existing land uses, available grant aid, water resources, landscape, heritage, and potential European Union (EU) designated special areas of conservation. Such data and the related database information were then subjected to a series of geoprocessing techniques to produce thematic datasets which included yield class, Windthrow Hazard Classification (WHC), site workability and water resource sensitivity. The resulting information was then displayed, manipulated and interrogated in an interactive fashion to answer more complex user defined queries relating to various potential locational scenarios.
How to Cite
Cullinan, E. and Bulfin, M. (1996) “Development of an indicative forest strategy with specific reference to Co. Clare.”, Irish Forestry. Available at: (Accessed: 12February2025).
Conference Papers