Farmers' attitudes to forestry.

  • Á. Ní Dhubháín Department of Crop Science, Horticulture and Forestry, Faculty of Agriculture, University College Dublin.
  • J.J. Gardiner Professor of Forestry, University College Dublin.
Keywords: Agriculture, farmers' attitudes, land use, afforestation, grant-aid, land conversion, land acquisition, forestry expansion, farm forestry, private forestry, grants, incentives.


This paper presents some of the results of a survey of farmers carried out in 1992. This survey established the factors that influence a farmer's decision to plant trees. It also determined farmers' attitudes to forestry in general. The impact of the conversion of agricultural land to forestry on agricultural output and workload on the farm was also established.
How to Cite
Ní Dhubháín, Á. and Gardiner, J. (1994) “Farmers’ attitudes to forestry.”, Irish Forestry. Available at: (Accessed: 15February2025).