Building a National Resource Fifty Years of Irish Forestry.

  • J. Durand
Keywords: Forestry history, Society of Irish Foresters, Wildlife Act, Coillte, EC, EU, education and training, State forestry, forestry development, European Community, European Union.


The author's account of the history of Irish forestry begins with the purchase of Avondale by the early Dept. of Agriculture in 1904. The foundation of the Society of Irish Foresters in 1943 and its development over the next 50 years are recounted. The great expansion in forest planting after the war was facilitated by new techniques in drainage and ploughing and, later, by the increasing mechanisation of the industry in the 50s and 60s. The establishment of a commercial semi-state forestry company, Coillte Teoranta, is identified as the most important development in state forestry since its beginning.
How to Cite
Durand, J. (1992) “Building a National Resource Fifty Years of Irish Forestry.”, Irish Forestry. Available at: (Accessed: 3July2024).
Conference Papers