Peatland forestry in the 1990s. 1. Low-level blanket bog.

  • E.P. Farrell Department of Environmental Resource Management, University College Dublin.
  • G. Boyle Department of Environmental Resource Management, University College Dublin.
Keywords: Blanket peat, peatland forestry, Sitka spruce, Picea sitchensis, yield class, forest investment, peatland ecosystems, land use, landscape, water quality, environment, peatlands.


The afforestation of blanket peatland, the principal peatland type in forestry, commenced in the 1950s. Production in these forests has greatly exceeded expectations. Current yield class estimates of Coillte Teoranta forests on blanket peatland give a mean Yield Class of 13.3 for Sitka spruce (Picea sitchensis (Bong.) Carr.). However, investment in blanket peatland forestry cannot be expected to yield returns to compare favourably with those obtainable on good mineral soils. Treeless blanket peatlands are a characteristic feature of western Ireland. Their conversion to plantation forestry drastically disturbs the peatland ecosystem and if carried out on a sufficiently large scale, will profoundly alter the landscape of our western counties. In view of the marginal economic returns which can be expected from forestry investment on blanket peat, it may be in the national interest to reduce incentives for the afforestation of western peatlands.
How to Cite
Farrell, E. and Boyle, G. (1990) “Peatland forestry in the 1990s. 1. Low-level blanket bog. ”, Irish Forestry. Available at: (Accessed: 27July2024).

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