The state-of-the-art: Harvesting in the Nordic countries.

  • Jari Ala-Ilomäki The Finnish Forest Research Institute, Dept. of Forest Technology.
Keywords: Thinning, motor-manual, machine, technology.


Forest management systems in the Nordic countries are generally characterised by repeated selective thinnings from below. An increasing share of thinning cuttings and mechanised harvesting, plus the increasing importance of environmental aspects are common features to logging in the Nordic countries. Log-length method is used almost entirely. Despite attempts to mechanise forest work, motor-manual cutting still has its place in modern forestry. The one-grip harvester is the most common multi-function machine type. It can be used both in thinnings and clear cuttings. Two-grip harvesters are not equally capable of working in thinnings, where the damage to the remaining trees is to be minimised. The role of processors in cutting is rapidly getting smaller. The dominating machine in off-road transportation is the wheeled forwarder. Farm tractor-based machinery still has a remarkable role in logging. Light tracked machinery has been developed for early thinnings and poorly bearing sites. These two groups form a minor, yet important part of the logging machine fleet. In the near future, early thinnings with low productivity in mechanised harvesting and high costs in motor-manual harvesting will be the main question to be solved in the field of harvesting. The development of light machinery and multi-tree processing technology is therefore likely to take a remarkable step forward. Environmental aspects also have a strong influence in machine development.
How to Cite
Ala-Ilomäki, J. (1990) “The state-of-the-art: Harvesting in the Nordic countries. ”, Irish Forestry. Available at: (Accessed: 17January2025).