Operations research in forestry.

  • Maarten Nieuwenhuis Department of Forestry, University College Dublin.
Keywords: Operations research, linear programming, goal programming, dynamic programming, network analysis, computer simulation, efficiency, computer systems, geographic information systems.


The applications of Operations Research techniques in forestry and forest industries are numerous. The most widely used mathematical models are: linear programming, integer programming. goal programming, dynamic programming, network analysis, and computer simulation. The demand for improved efficiency, combined with multiple-use requirements, and the availability of computers, will result in a continuing increase of the use of Operations Research in natural resource managerial decision-making.
How to Cite
Nieuwenhuis, M. (1989) “Operations research in forestry.”, Irish Forestry. Available at: https://journal.societyofirishforesters.ie/index.php/forestry/article/view/9654 (Accessed: 3October2024).