The effect of cultivation method on the growth and root anchorage of Sitka spruce.

  • Eugene Hendrick Coillte Teoranta, Research Branch, Bray, Co. Wicklow.
Keywords: Soil cultivation, double mould-board, mole draining, root anchorage, root growth, Sitka spruce, Picea sitchensis, surface-water gley soils, drumlin, drainage method, clay soil, silviculture, root excavations, tree growth.


Tree pulling, using a hand winch, showed that 14 to 16 year old Sitka spruce trees, established on surface-water gley soils following mole drainage , had an average maximum turning moment almost double that of trees established on DMB plough ribbons. Root excavations showed that this was due to improved rooting depth and spread in the mole draining treatment. Mole draining gave better diameter growth than ploughing on drumlin slopes; on inter-drumlin flats it resulted in poorer growth.
How to Cite
Hendrick, E. (1989) “The effect of cultivation method on the growth and root anchorage of Sitka spruce.”, Irish Forestry. Available at: (Accessed: 27July2024).