Broadleaves in Ireland: Can broadleaves give adequate financial returns?

  • Brendan Fitzsimons Forest Service, Research Branch, 2 Sidmonton Place, Bray, Co. Wicklow.
Keywords: Broadleaves, yield, forest management, broadleaf planting, investment, timber processing, production costs.


The following paper describes briefly the existing stock of broadleaf forest in the Republic of Ireland, with particular emphasis on the area owned by the state, for which detailed information exists. It is shown that the nature of the broadleaf estate indicates that financial considerations were not paramount in the decision to plant broadleaves. The question of whether or not broadleaves can be grown at a profit is examined.
How to Cite
Fitzsimons, B. (1987) “Broadleaves in Ireland: Can broadleaves give adequate financial returns?”, Irish Forestry. Available at: (Accessed: 3July2024).