Swedish forestry - a question of balance.

  • E.P. Farrell Department of Agricultural Chemistry and Soil Science, Faculty of Agriculture, University College, Belfield, Dublin 4, Ireland.
Keywords: Policy, wood shortage, yield, productivity, environmental restrictions.


Growing stock in the Swedish forests has increased greatly over the past fifty years. However, a large increase in industrial productive capacity in recent years has given rise to concern over a possible wood shortage. Two government commissions have been appointed to consider forest policy. The first produced radical proposals to promote the utilisation of existing forests. These proposals, which involved a departure from the principal of sustained yield were rejected by the government. The second commission made three alternative proposals. After considerable debate the government adopted a policy of aiming to achieve a high level of productivity, while giving close consideration to environmental aspects and the public interest. The question which must now face the forest manager is whether it is possible to achieve a high level of forest production while accepting the environmental restrictions imposed upon him.
How to Cite
Farrell, E. (1980) “Swedish forestry - a question of balance.”, Irish Forestry. Available at: https://journal.societyofirishforesters.ie/index.php/forestry/article/view/9455 (Accessed: 27July2024).