Rate of weight loss of small round timber.

  • P.S. Savill Northern Ireland Forest Service, Dundonald House, Belfast.
Keywords: Timber weight loss, small round wood, timber purchasing, timber market, timber prices.


In certain markets for small round wood, purchase by weight is preferred to purchase by solid or stacked volume. Where produce is sold by weight it is desirable to know the relative green weights of different species and also how weight, for a given volume oftimber, changes with time as this can influence prices. Among the relatively limited information on this subject for Northern Irish conditions, Jack (1966), working with Sitka spruce, showed that the rate of weight loss over a 20 week period was linear and was likely to remain so up to the time 'the material reached a density of about 550kg/m3 • He found large variations in the rate of loss according to the time the material was felled, ranging from 2.7kg/m3 per day for material felled in April to 0.99kg/m3 per day for material felled in November. Small sized material lost weight about 50 per cent faster than larger sizes. There were small differences in the rate of weight loss of produce from different forests and of different yield classes.
How to Cite
Savill, P. (1979) “Rate of weight loss of small round timber.”, Irish Forestry. Available at: https://journal.societyofirishforesters.ie/index.php/forestry/article/view/9433 (Accessed: 26April2024).