Effects of fertilizing Moribund pines on a granitic soil in Northern Ireland.

  • D.A. Dickson Agricultural and Food Chemistry Research Division, Northern Ireland Department of Agriculture, Newforge Lane, Belfast BT9 5PX.
Keywords: Fertilisers, foliar analysis, nutrient deficiency, lodgepole pine, granatic soils, silviculture, Pinus contorta, fertilisers, fertilisation.


Data are presented on the responses of slowly growing 25 year old Scots and Lodgepole pines to fertiliser application. The growth of both species increased quickly and markedly after the application of fertiliser phosphate. The rate of growth increase in Scots pine was slower but longer lasting than in lodgepole pine and growth increased almost linearly up to the highest rate applied (67.5 kg P/ha as triplesuperphosphate). In lodgepole pine there was no further increase in growth at rates above 46 kg P per ha applied as super-phosphate. Neither N applied as sulphate of ammonia nor K applied as muriate of potash affected the growth of Scots pine but in lodgepole applied tended to increase and applied K to decrease growth. There was no growth response in either species to any of six trace-elements applied in addition to a compound N P K fertiliser. The foliar concentration of all elements determined except P were above the accepted deficiency levels. In the untreated trees foliar P concentrations were low throughout the course of the experiment; applied phosphate significantly increased foliar P concentration but at the lowest rate of application (22.5 kg P/ha as super-phosphate) the concentration again approached deficiency level after seven years. It is concluded that treatment of such crops with phosphate is economically justified. Triple-super-phosphate is an effective fertiliser out rock phosphate may be preferable on cost grounds.
How to Cite
Dickson, D. (1976) “Effects of fertilizing Moribund pines on a granitic soil in Northern Ireland.”, Irish Forestry. Available at: https://journal.societyofirishforesters.ie/index.php/forestry/article/view/9410 (Accessed: 18January2025).