Utilisation of Sitka spruce in Ireland.

  • G. Knaggs Forest Products Department, Institute for Industrial Research and Standards, Dublin.
Keywords: Timber, soil, productivity, industry, saw-logs.


If one accepts that the primary purpose of forestry is to produce a crop of timber giving maximum returns to the grower, one must select a tree species which will both grow rapidly on available sites and produce material which is readily sold. In Ireland, Sitka spruce has occupied this role as a high-yielding species on poor soils and is now the dominant species in our forests. As these forests mature the output of spruce will increase greatly. Productivity forecasts clearly demonstrate the long term importance of spruce to Irish wood-using industries (see Purcell, this issue). I therefore propose to look at the outlets for this material vis-a-vis its properties and necessary processing. To do so, the value of the final product must be considered. Whereas pulpwood may fetch up to £10/m3, the value of saw-logs can be up to £30/m3 , yielding structural saw timber worth £90-£100/m3. [...]
How to Cite
Knaggs, G. (1977) “Utilisation of Sitka spruce in Ireland.”, Irish Forestry. Available at: https://journal.societyofirishforesters.ie/index.php/forestry/article/view/9366 (Accessed: 18January2025).
Conference Papers