Pests and diseases of Sitka spruce.

  • G. De Brit Research Branch, Forest and Wildlife Service, Bray, Co. Wicklow.
  • D. McAree Research Branch, Forest and Wildlife Service, Bray, Co. Wicklow.
Keywords: Tree problem, insects, growth, exotic species.


Sitka spruce (Picea sitchensis Bong. Carr) is undoubtedly the most important tree species in Irish forestry. It represents approximately 45% of the forest estate in Ireland. The species is an exotic introduced from North-West America. These two factors determine that a keen interest be taken in insect and disease problems associated with Sitka spruce. Firstly, because of its dominant position in Irish forestry, if serious pest or disease problems are to arise with the species considerable loss in wood production could be anticipated. Secondly, it is internationally recognised that introduced exotic tree species are inherently more vulnerable to pest and disease organisms than are indigenous tree species. Bearing these two points in mind we will examine the present situation with regard to pests and diseases of Sitka spruce in Ireland and also look at potentially damaging organisms which do not occur in Ireland and the measures which are adopted to minimise the possibility of inadvertent introduction.
How to Cite
De Brit, G. and McAree, D. (1978) “Pests and diseases of Sitka spruce.”, Irish Forestry. Available at: (Accessed: 20September2024).
Conference Papers