Knockrath woodlands: A 20 year review.

  • P.M. Joyce Department of Forestry, University College, Dublin.
  • Lord Ardee Knockrath, Co. Wicklow.
Keywords: Yield class, yield regulation, growing stock, Douglas fir, Scots pine, larch, oak, site indicator, native woodlands, Knockrath, Pseudotsuga menziesii.


The changes in growing stock and species composition of Knockrath Woodlands have been monitored by repeated inventories over a period of 20 years as part of working plans prepared by forestry students from University College, Dublin. The summarised results of these inventories, as presented at a Seminar on Management of Woodlands in April 1976, are reproduced here to illustrate the changes which have taken place under a management plan which had as a main objective the application of the principle of sustained yield.
How to Cite
Joyce, P. and Ardee, L. (1976) “Knockrath woodlands: A 20 year review.”, Irish Forestry. Available at: (Accessed: 3July2024).