Early growth of Sitka spruce on gleyed soils in Northern Ireland.
Rock phosphate, fertilisers, gley soils, Sitka spruce, forest soils, tree establishment, Northern Ireland, silviculture, Picea sitchensis, fertilisation.
Until the late 1960s practioally alil forest nutntlon research in Northern Ireland dealt with the pWblems of Sitka spruce planted on oligotrophic peats. There we.re few experiments on other soil types. The fact that gleys were neglected for so long indicates that nutritional problems were not so great on them as on deep peats. But, high elevation gleyed forest soils of basaltic or carboniferous origins amount to about 40 per cent of the forest area. They are therdore important. The aim of this paper is to discuss the results of the few existing experiments on gleyed soils.
How to Cite
Savile, P. and Dickson, D. (1975) “Early growth of Sitka spruce on gleyed soils in Northern Ireland.”, Irish Forestry. Available at: https://journal.societyofirishforesters.ie/index.php/forestry/article/view/9301 (Accessed: 25January2025).