Coniferous growth and rooting patterns on machine sod-peat bog (cutover) and Trench 14, Clonsast.

  • M.L. Carey Research Brand Forest and Wildlife Service, Department of Lands, Dublin.
  • T.A. Barry Bord na Mona, Droichead Nua, Co. Kildare.
Keywords: Peatland afforestation, bogs, peat soils, fertilisers, fertilisation, Abies grandis, Pinus radiata, Picea abies, Thuja plicata, Picea sitchensis, Pinus sylvestris, Larix leptolepis, root systems, root profiles, establishment, planting, rooting, peatlands.


Large areas of bog are being cut over for fuel and other purposes in Ireland by Bard na Mona, the Irish Peat Development Authority. By far the greater number of bogs concerned are of the raised (Hochmoore) type in the Central Plain; the remainder are blanket bogs (Terrainbedeckende Moore) which occur mainly in the western half of the country. A total area of approximately 68,000 ha is involved in the scheme...
How to Cite
Carey, M. and Barry, T. (1975) “Coniferous growth and rooting patterns on machine sod-peat bog (cutover) and Trench 14, Clonsast.”, Irish Forestry. Available at: (Accessed: 3July2024).