Some factors influencing the stability of Sitka in Northern Ireland.

  • R.F. Mackenzie Forestry Division, Ministry of Agriculture, Belfast.
Keywords: Windthrow, windthrow creep, forest soils, site fertility, exposure, altitude, silviculture, Sitka spruce, Picea sitchensis.


In 1969 forest management in Northern Ireland was still influenced by the aftern1ath of the catastrophic winds which had occurred 10 years earlier. Although the number and volume of trees wind damaged was substantially diminished there was still an important proportion of the total production which could be attributed to these phenomenal conditions. Because of this it was decided that a survey should be conducted with a view to identifying and evaluating those site factors which pre-disposed stands to risk of wind damage. An examination of existing sample plots provided the readiest means of assessing damage and recording the appropriate site factors. The effective period covered was probably from 1965 to 1969. Some supplementary evidence was gathered following the gales of January 1974 and is included where appropriate...
How to Cite
Mackenzie, R. (1974) “Some factors influencing the stability of Sitka in Northern Ireland. ”, Irish Forestry. Available at: (Accessed: 15February2025).
Conference Papers