Rural land use and the balance of payments.

  • Frank J. Convery Assistant Professor of Forest Resource Economics, School of Forestry, Duke University, Durham, N. Carolina, 27706.
Keywords: Yield class, Sitka spruce, saw-milling, timber processing, economics revenue, land use, economic growth, fiscal policy, agriculture, Picea sitchensis, lowland drumlin soils, marginal land.


Balance of payment restrictions have long been recognized as important factors limiting Irish economic growth. It is germane then for agriculturalists and foresters to assess the impact on the bahmce of payments when change in land use is being contemplated. A study recently completed (Convery, 1972) compared forestry and agriculture as uses on the lowland drumlin soils of County Leitrim for a number of variables, including the likely effect of the two uses on the nation's balance of payments. The discussion which foIIows treats this latter topic.
How to Cite
Convery, F. J. (1973) “Rural land use and the balance of payments.”, Irish Forestry. Available at: (Accessed: 3July2024).