Chemical weed control and its effect on the response to potassium fertilisation.

  • N. OCarroll Research Branch, Forest & Wildlife Service, Department of Lands, Dublin.
Keywords: Growth check, frost damage, hardening off, weed competition, nutrient deficiency, fertilisers, factorial experiments, Sitka spruce, tree growth, ground vegetation, foliar analysis, herbicides, forest protection, Picea sitchensis, Picea abies.


Growth check of Norway spruce and Scots pine on reed swamp peat appeared to be due to potassium deficiency. Ground vegetation may prevent the efficient utilisation of applied potassium in 20 - 22 year old crops. In two of three to eight year old crops, which had potassium fertiliser application and annual vegetation control treatments, potassium deficiency was severe. Vegetation control on its own gave some small growth increase compared with potassium alone but tended to decrease growth or be ineffective when the treatments were combined. On the third site where the potassium deficiency was milder there were indications that N and P deficiency may be limiting growth. Potassium fertilisation significantly increased late frost damage...
How to Cite
OCarroll, N. (1970) “Chemical weed control and its effect on the response to potassium fertilisation.”, Irish Forestry. Available at: (Accessed: 3July2024).