Origins and distribution of peat-types in the bogs of Ireland.

  • T.A. Barry
Keywords: Blanket bog, raised bogs, peat bogs, Ice Age, glaciation, fen land reed swamp, phragmites, climatic change, post-glacial vegetation, sphagnum moss, von Post scale, peatlands.


Two bog types (raised-type and blanket-bog) and one sub-type (high-level blanket bog) are distinguished. Their geographical distribution in Ireland is outlined on a map in relation to rainfall and relief. A summary of the distribution-in-depth of the main genetic peat types is given, three in blanket bog and five in raised-type bog, and the story of peat and bog formation since the retreat of the ice is told in eight illustrations...
How to Cite
Barry, T. (1969) “Origins and distribution of peat-types in the bogs of Ireland.”, Irish Forestry. Available at: (Accessed: 3July2024).