Evaluating forest disease problems.

  • G. de Brit Research Officer, Research Branch, Department of Lands (Forestry Division), Dublin.
Keywords: Forest protection, group dying, butt rot, root rot, Rhizina undulata, Fomes annosus, forest diseases, forest economics, heart rot, fungal diseases, fungi, plant pathogens.


This article is intended primarily for forest managers. It is suggested that forest managers may be somewhat reluctant in accepting the value of investment in forest disease prevention or control, because no positive effect on timber production is seen to derive from this type of investment. Economic evaluation of a disease, it is stressed, must be based on a thorough biological evaluation. The article shows how two types of forest disease problems are evaluated: 1, an existing forest disease problem, and 2, a potential forest disease problem. Rhizina unduLata is used as an example of the former situation, and Fomes annosus as an example of the latter situation...
How to Cite
de Brit, G. (1968) “Evaluating forest disease problems.”, Irish Forestry. Available at: https://journal.societyofirishforesters.ie/index.php/forestry/article/view/9114 (Accessed: 3July2024).