Why forest microbiology.

  • J. Gardiner
Keywords: Peatlands, microbiology, soil micro-flora, micro-organisms, mycorrhizae, soil nutrients, peatland forestry, fertilisers, forest pathogens, forest protection, tree diseases, bacteria, fungal diseases, fungi.


The efficient practice of forestry rests fundamentally on its biological side; upon a knowledge of the constitution of the associations of plants and animals which form the forests and of the interrelationships between the various members of them. Thus microbiology which is essentially a laboratory subject is studied as a means to an end, and not as an end in itself. Now, any laboratory requires extensive, expensive equipment if it is to deal effectively with the problems which arise and provide a useful service. Microbiology is only an exception insofar as parts of the equipment necessaary are specific to a microbiology laborat'Ory. A very conservative estimate of the cost of equipping such a laboratory would be in the range 'of £ lOOO.and this would only provide the absolute essentials for primitive research involving plate counting and nutritional studies. The question then must naturally arise: what is the position of microbiology in forestry and is it sufficiently important to warrant this expenditure on equipment and personnel ? ...
How to Cite
Gardiner, J. (1968) “Why forest microbiology.”, Irish Forestry. Available at: https://journal.societyofirishforesters.ie/index.php/forestry/article/view/9102 (Accessed: 18January2025).