Growth check of Norway spruce and Scots pine.

  • N. OCarroll Research officer, Forestry Division, Department of Lands, Dublin.
Keywords: Growth check, Norway spruce, Scots pine, Phragmites peat, moisture deficiency, nutrients, nutrient deficiency, potassium deficiency, silviculture, tree growth.


A condition of checked growth associated with chlorotic foliage of Norway spruce and Scots pine on Phragmites peat appeared at first examination to be due to moisture deficiency. Detailed investigation did not support this hypothesis but foliar analysis and, to a lesser extent, soil analysis pointed to potassium deficiency. The appearance of the trees was quickly improved by applications of sulphate of potash.
How to Cite
OCarroll, N. (1966) “Growth check of Norway spruce and Scots pine.”, Irish Forestry. Available at: (Accessed: 25January2025).