The uncertainties of wind-damage in forest management?

  • A.I. Fraser Assistant Silviculturist, British Forestry Commission, Forest Research Station, Alice Holt lodge, Wrecclesham, Farnham, Surrey, England.
Keywords: Wind-damage, windthrow, uprooting, stem breakage, spacing, thinning, ploughing, drainage, forest management, wind-tunnel experiments, silviculture.


It is most undesirable to have the uncertainty of large scale wind-damage when preparing long term forest management plans. Looking ahead, I do not think that wind-damage will necessarily be inevitable within acceptable economic rotations in Britain, but there are many areas where, in the first rotation at least, wind will be the deciding factor. As a first step therefore it is necessary to be able to recognise those sites where wind-damage will occur so that account can be taken of them in forecasting production, and decisions can be taken on whether or not to try preventative measures.
How to Cite
Fraser, A. (1965) “The uncertainties of wind-damage in forest management?”, Irish Forestry. Available at: (Accessed: 3July2024).
Conference Papers