The resin canals of Pinus contorta Loudon.

  • T.M. Black
Keywords: Pinus contorta Loudon, lodgepole pine, resin canals, species identification, provenance distinction.


The purpose of the investigation was to attempt to (1) clarify the position regarding the number of resin canals found in the leaves of P. contorta Loudon and var. latifolia Engelm., and (2) find some feature of the resin canals which may be used to distinguish different provenances of the species. These two main types may be further subdivided according to the length and position of the resin canals in the needles. The occurrence of some of the different types of resin canals in the provenances indicates that there are large areas within the natural distribution of P. contorta Loudon in which many resin canal characteristics are uniform. It also appears to be the case that it is possible to distinguish individual provenances within these areas by the occurrence of other resin canal characteristics, although further work is required before a satisfactory key can be devised.
How to Cite
Black, T. (1963) “The resin canals of Pinus contorta Loudon.”, Irish Forestry. Available at: (Accessed: 3July2024).