The estimation of heart rot in standing crops: A note.

  • N. OCarroll
  • N. Ó Muirgheata
Keywords: Sitka spruce, heart rot, Fomes annosus, Heterobasidion annosum, butt rot, root rot, plant pathogens, forest protection, Basidiomycete, fungal diseases, fungi, fungus, Picea sitchensis.


About an acre and half of 56 year old Sitka Spruce in Avondale Forest, Co. Wicklow, carrying 168 trees and believed to be heavily affected by Fomes annosus heart rot was scheduled for clear felling. Thirty-six of these trees, forming a random sample of the whole, was investigated in detail. The investigation suggests that the presence of markedly swollen butts is not related to the presence of heart rot...
How to Cite
OCarroll, N. and Ó Muirgheata, N. (1963) “The estimation of heart rot in standing crops: A note.”, Irish Forestry. Available at: (Accessed: 27July2024).