Some aspects of peat as a substrate for tree growth.

  • W.O. Binns Macaulay Institute for Soil Research, Aberdeen.
Keywords: Deep peat, peatlands, bogs, potassium, phosphorus, soil nutrients, peat soils.


Investigations at 12 deep peat sites in Scotland and northern England have suggested that the need of conifers for additional phosphorus and potassium may be estimated from the total P and K contents of the upper layers of the peat. Concentration of these two nutrients in the surface layers, attributed to recycling by the natural vegetation, indicates that although deep rooting may improve stability it will probably not benefit trees much nutritionally. Mineralization of nitrogen, more rapid under deep than under shallow plough ridges, appears to be responsible for faster growth of young pine and larch on deep ridges. The deficiency of potassium at the sites studied is confirmed by a comparison of the maximum amounts of nutrients immobilized by conifers with the amounts present in the peat...
How to Cite
Binns, W. (1962) “Some aspects of peat as a substrate for tree growth.”, Irish Forestry. Available at: (Accessed: 3July2024).