The progress of deep peat afforestation in North-West.
Deep peat afforestation, soil types, drainage, cultivation treatment, soil fertility, peat classification, blanket bogs, peatland, deep peat soils, peatlands.
The observations recorded in this article are based on a study, begun in 1952, of plantations laid down on the blanket bog regions of south-west Sligo and west and north-west Mayo. A description of the predominant peat types in the area and the major vegetation communities is included. Information is provided on other factors which can influence the suitability for planting of deep peat soils including moisture content, pH, mineral content, climate, exposure and elevation. The land is divided into five sub-classes which are arranged according to plantability. Various treatments to increase the yield from each class are recommended. Growths of 12 inches to 15 inches per annum are normal on sub-classes 1 and 2, 6 ins. to 10 ins. on sub-class 3, and 2 ins. to 3 ins. on sub-class 4. Three main adverse factors were encountered in establishing crops on these various sub-classes: lack of drainage, which can only be overcome when due attention is paid to the manner in which water is held in the different peat types; lack of fertility, which can be rectified by the application of artificial fertilisers; and lack of silvicultural precedent...
How to Cite
Condon, L. (1961) “The progress of deep peat afforestation in North-West.”, Irish Forestry. Available at: (Accessed: 16September2024).