The importance of forestry in national planning.

  • M. L. Anderson
Keywords: Representative, industry, romantic, utilitarian.


I feel honoured, indeed, by the invitation which has brought me before this distinguished assembly. I come before you as a representative Df a very important industry-namely that of Forestry. Forestry, in spite of much talk about it, seems to remain something of a mystery. This is very largely due to excessive emphasis being placed upon its romantic side. All industries have their romantic aspects, but forestry apparently more than most. It is my intention today to stress the more prosaic aspect of forestry-the economic or utilitarian aspect firstly, because I feel that it is the aspect of forestry which ought to be stressed, and secondly, because I feel that that is the aspect which will appeal most to the members of the Rotary Club...
How to Cite
Anderson, M. L. (1945) “The importance of forestry in national planning.”, Irish Forestry. Available at: (Accessed: 3July2024).
Conference Papers