A review of tree improvement programmes in Ireland - historical developments, current situation and future perspective.

  • John Fennesy COFORD, Department of Agriculture, Food and Marine, Kildare street, Dublin.
  • Pat Doody Coillte Teoranta, Coillte Nurseries, Ballintemple Nursery, Ardattin, Co. Carlow.
  • David Thompson Coillte Teoranta, Research and Development, Kilmacurra Park, Kilbride, Co. Wicklow.
Keywords: Breeding, plus-trees, seed stands, seed orchards and propagation


Tree breeding or tree improvement programmes have been part of Irish forestry from its early days, but it is only since the 1950s that a significant effort was made. Tree improvement programmes, in addition to providing regular sources of quality seed, provide the means of achieving further genetic gains in the productivity and quality of forest tree species. The objective of this paper is to 1) explain how tree improvement is achieved, 2) to review past programmes in both coniferous and broadleaf species, 3) to discuss the current situation in Ireland and 4) to make a case for the continuance of this important work.
How to Cite
Fennesy, J., Doody, P. and Thompson, D. (2012) “A review of tree improvement programmes in Ireland - historical developments, current situation and future perspective.”, Irish Forestry, pp. 184-203. Available at: https://journal.societyofirishforesters.ie/index.php/forestry/article/view/10943 (Accessed: 3July2024).