Some Effects of a No-Thinning Regime on Forest Management.

  • J.C.L. Phillips District Forest Officer, Castle Barracks, Wellington Place, Co. Fermanagh.
Keywords: Forest Management, No-thinning, Production timing, Forester


The Northern Ireland Forest Service has adopted a no-thinning policy for Sitka spruce on most areas of peat and gley soils due to experience of early windthrow following thinning both in Northern Ireland and elsewhere on such sites. The reasoning behind this decision is explained and its effects on such aspects of management as production timing, employment, road construction, recreation, conservation, landscape values and the work of the forester discussed.
How to Cite
Phillips, J. (1981) “Some Effects of a No-Thinning Regime on Forest Management.”, Irish Forestry. Available at: (Accessed: 27July2024).