Twenty-first anniversary dinner address.

  • T. O'Brien
Keywords: Society of Irish Foresters, state forestry, forestry policy, Department of Lands, newspaper, meeting.


This is the text of the address delivered by T. O'Brien to the Society of Irish Foresters at the Society's twenty-first anniversary dinner. The speaker refers to the origins of the Society during wartime and the various excursions and tours organised by it over the years. The advances in State Forestry since the Society was founded are also detailed. The provision of employment to 5,000 people in rural areas is one of the achievements of the State's forestry programme. It is concluded that forestry will in the future be one of the really significant assets in the country's economic advance...
How to Cite
O’Brien, T. (1964) “Twenty-first anniversary dinner address.”, Irish Forestry. Available at: (Accessed: 25January2025).
Conference Papers